Professor Andrew Morrisson

Part of St Andrew's Cathedral at Noon Recital Series
St Andrew's Cathedral

Recitals are followed by a buffet lunch. Donations to Cathedral funds are gratefully received.

If you are interested in performing for a future recital: please email:

Professor Andrew Morrisson

Andrew Morrisson was educated at Brentwood School in Essex, where he studied organ with Dr Edgar Brice from the Royal Academy of Music, and at Imperial College London, where he studied chemistry. Following a move to Aberdeen to study for a PhD at the Macaulay Institute, he was appointed Assistant Organist at St Andrew's Cathedral, Aberdeen and then Organist and Master of the Choristers in 1983, succeeding Geoffrey Pearce. 

Professor Morrisson has conducted the St Andrew's Cathedral Choir in numerous radio and television broadcasts and has made a number of recordings, including a solo CD to mark 21 years tenure at the Cathedral. He has conducted the Cathedral Choir in over 20 of the major churches in the United Kingdom, including St Paul's Cathedral, London, Canterbury Cathedral and York Minster. In October 2005 he led the Cathedral Choir, on a tour of New York, Boston and Hartford, Connecticut. Professor Morrisson has also conducted several Aberdeen choirs, most notably Con Anima.

In 2019 he was awarded the Associateship of the Royal School of Church Music (ARSCM) in recognition of his 35 years’ service as Director of Music at St Andrew’s Cathedral and his wider contribution to church music in Scotland. This was followed last year by the award of an honorary DMus from the University of Aberdeen. In April 2023, he was presented with the Royal Maundy in York Minster by King Charles III. He is now retired and is living back in Essex but still travels to Aberdeen a number of times a year to support the music at the Cathedral.


  • Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583 – 1643) Bergamasque from Messa della Madonna
  • C Hubert H Parry (1848 - 1918) Chorale Fantasia on an Old English Tune Op.198 "When I survey the wondrous Cross"
  • Herbert Howells (1892 – 1983) Dalby's Fancy
  • Herbert Howells (1892 – 1983) Psalm Prelude Psalm Prelude Set 1 No.1 Op.32 "Lo, the poor crieth"
  • J S Bach (1685 - 1750) Prelude in E minor BWV548
Professor Andrew Morrisson Organ
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