Inverurie Choral Society

James Campbell
Ensemble type

We are a friendly and welcoming bunch of folk who enjoy singing together every week under the baton of James Campbell, our new MD, putting on concerts at Christmas and in June, as well as giving performances in community settings and public places.

We also enjoy a bit of socialising, everything from joining fellow singers for a coffee or a pint, to a celebration party, BBQ or a Burns Supper.

Collaboration with Inverurie Orchestra has been a particular treat, most recently with a full performance in 2018 at Inverurie Town Hall of Haydn’s ‘Creation’.

Getting involved

Fancy joining us? If you think you would enjoy singing with us, please contact us via email which can be found on our website. 

Always on the lookout for new singers, we have room for any of you Sopranos, Altos, Tenors (especially tenors!) and Basses who would like to come and give us a try! We meet at 7.30 pm in the West Church Hall, Inverurie, AB51 3SA, on Wednesday nights during the school term. There are no auditions, but the ability to read music is useful.  However, Gordon provides audio tracks to aid in learning the pieces, and this is great support for folk who struggle with the dots!

Find us on Facebook, or you can get in touch via our website. 

Rehearsal times
Wednesday 19:30 - 21:30
Membership criteria
Welcomed ability Beginner
Ages Students, Adults
Auditioned Unknown
The Acorn Centre, West High Street
AB51 3SA
Visit website