Secret Path

Fraser Fifield
The Blue Lamp

The low whistle is a simple instrument that in the hands of Fraser Fifield can deliver infinite, deeply felt personal expression. Playing music from his 2023 release, Secret Path, Fifield is joined by Paul Harrison playing Wurlizter piano and Tom Bancroft on drums and percussion.
Schooled in both the Highland bagpipe tradition and the soprano saxophone, he has developed a technique on the whistle that borrows from those and other instruments but is all his own voice. Secret Path Trio play bold, fearlessly searching melodies and improvisations with virtuosity and a sense of adventure.

Line up 

Fraser Fifield, low whistle + bagpipes
Paul Harrison, wurlitzer piano
Tom Bancroft, drum kit, bodhran

Fraser Fifield Low Whistle
from £5.00 to £15.00
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