Clarsach Society

North East Branch

Ensemble type

The North East Branch of the Clarsach Society is the place to find out about harp related events in the North East of Scotland. Find out more about lessons, how to hire a harp or how to join here.

Clarsach Society

Established in 1931 at the close of the National Mòd in Dingwall, The Clarsach Society’s founding principle is to advance the clarsach and its music, and to preserve its place in the national life of Scotland and in the wider world harp community.

The constitution states that the objects of The Society shall be “to advance the education of the public in the music and the playing of the clarsach”. This is done principally via its 13 Branches, each of which organise events, courses and classes to suit the particular needs and enthusiasms of its members. The Society also organises and promotes the annual Edinburgh International Harp Festival each spring.

Our branches organise events and gatherings at a local level; some also have clarsachs for hire.

Monthly Harps Accord ensemble workshops; regular guest tutor workshops; tea concerts and annual Harps of Gold concert.

Getting involved

Join The Clarsach Society for a whole host of benefits, including:

  • Affordable clarsach hire
  • Like-minded contacts through your chosen branch(es)
  • Branch and Society concerts and social events
  • Access to high-quality lessons and workshops
  • Regular newsletters, keeping you up-to-date with all the latest harp happenings

Sign up here:

Membership criteria
Welcomed ability All
Auditioned No audition required
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