Hough Plays Rachmaninov

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Sir Stephen Hough & Ryan Wigglesworth
Music Hall

Sir Stephen Hough        piano
Ryan Wigglesworth       conductor

“My heartfelt homage to Tchaikovsky’s wonderful talent”. Audiences in the 1920s were astonished when the modernist firebrand Stravinsky started adapting Tchaikovsky. In fact, Stravinsky adored Tchaikovsky’s music, and his ballet The Fairy’s Kiss puts Tchaikovsky’s music under a very modern – but utterly captivating – spell. But then, under the baton of our Chief Conductor Ryan Wigglesworth, there’s wonder in every note of this ravishing concert.

You’d expect no less, when the phenomenal pianist Stephen Hough works his very personal alchemy on Rachmaninov’s hugely-popular Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini. And to begin, there’s pure enchantment in a selection of magical excerpts from Tchaikovsky’s iconic ballet Sleeping Beauty.


  • TCHIAKOVSKY Excerpts from Sleeping Beauty
  • RACHMANINOV Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini
  • STRAVINSKY The Fairy’s Kiss
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra -
Sir Stephen Hough Piano
Ryan Wigglesworth Conductor
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