The Melting Pot Collective

Ensemble type

The Melting Pot Collective was formed in 2015 from a charitable movement started by Nigel Lammas called  the Aberdeen Solidarity With Refugees.  It was conceived as a fusion band mixing diverse music from diverse countries.

The ethos of the group is guided by the word “Collective” in the title, and one can never be entirely sure who is going to turn up at a gig.  It is an open invitation.  TMPC encourages all people whatever age, generation, ability, style to create music together. There are many past members who are now associate members in every continent, with a local core of about 53 currently here in Aberdeen region. 

Because Shelley Milne and Nigel were running Aberdeen Solidarity With Refugees, from its foundation in August 2015, they established concerts at St Andrew's Cathedral from November 2015, where new Syrian Scots and other refugees were encouraged to get involved in sharing their culture, especially in music, dance, poetry, prose and food. TMPC aimed to encourage multiculturalism, solidarity, peace, harmony, understanding and sharing.  The collective continues to stress its mission of sharing, tolerance, invention, effort not to discriminate, encouragement and inclusivity.

Although the many people associated with TMPC bring whatever they wish to the music table, the original music concept of the group was to develop new interpretations, styles and originality. Now compositions and arrangements of traditional, sacred, classic, folk, and “golden oldie” covers are sought and welcome.

Most people joining the group find it rewarding, fun, relaxing  and liberating, and they gain much experience in communicating with others and establish new and lasting friendships. Hopefully those joining in performance are challenged, reassured, and gain experience in the essentials of stagecraft and entertaining.

The change of context for the person who, before TMPC membership, would perhaps only have sung their favourite song in the shower, to the opportunity for public performance in a concert venue, is a quantum step forward in gaining confidence, and feeling accomplishment.

Some direct benefits of the TMPC experience are:

  • we have engaged and continue to engage people with mental health issues.
  • we make ourselves available to play in retirement homes and similar.
  • we support church activities and general community activities.
  • we support community efforts to relieve the plight of the disadvantaged
  • personal growth through involvement in genuinely inclusive and shared participation.

We seek to provide freely of our musical offerings to the wider community: Old folks homes; Community gatherings; organisations like The Aberdeen Trades Union Council; The CND Group; The Beannachar Camphill Community; Aberdeen Mela – One World Day; and the likes – even Stonehave Open Air Swimming Pool. 

Getting involved

The collective is held together by two WhatsApp chat threads: TMPC Dates, and Music Chat (TMPC).  Invitations to participate in gigs are published weekly on TMPC Dates.  Anyone wishing to receive postings from these groups should text John Montgomery on 07803371148, stating your name and your musical experience.

Rehearsal times
Thursday 20:00 - 22:00
Membership criteria
Welcomed ability All
Auditioned Unknown
St. Andrews Cathedral, King Street, City Centre
AB24 5AX
X (formerly Twitter)